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How to Adjust a Mesh Watch Strap

Nov 07,2020/Maintenance

Mesh watch straps have a unique look that many find appealing. However, while you may know how to open a mesh watch band, do you know how to adjust it to get the perfect fit? Knowing how to adjust watch clasp on a mesh strap is essential if you are buying a new watch, as they tend to be set for the larger wrist from the factory, so what do you do if you need to adjust mesh watch band size yourself?

How to adjust a mesh watch strap

Getting the tools together

It is fairly easy once you know how to adjust mesh watch band sizes, but you do need a few tools to be able to do it at home. These are:

  • Spring bar tool

  • Jeweler's small ball-peen hammer

  • Pin pusher

The other thing you need is the measurement, where you need the mesh strap adjusted to. For this, a sharpie is ideal, simply wrap the strap around your wrist and mark where the clasp should be. That is all you need for preparation, now its time to get the mesh strap adjusted.

How to adjust mesh watch strap

Lay the mesh strap on a flat surface so you are looking at the inside of the sliding part of the watch clasp. You will see a small metal part that clamps down on the strap to keep it in place. It is held in place by spring pressure, using your spring bar tool you can lift this clamp up and release the tension,  freeing the strap and allowing the clasp to be slid to the desired position easily.

Once the clasp is in position at the mark you previously made, use your pin pusher to reseat the clamp back against the mesh strap. In most cases, this can be done just using finger pressure, but if the clasp is especially stiff, use your hammer to gently tap it back into place.

Try the mesh watch band on, and check it is adjusted correctly. It really is that simple!

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